Invited Speakers:
Guenter Ahlers
Gordon Baym
U. Illinois UC
Charles Bennett
Guido Boffetta
Michael Chertkov
Stanley Deser
Brandeis University
Gregory Eyink
Johns Hopkins University
Gregory Falkovich
Weizmann Institute
Konstantin Khanin
University Toronto
Jorge Kurchan
École Supérieure de Physique
et de Chimie Industrielles
David Montgomery
Dartmouth College *
Annick Pouquet
Harvey Rose
Katepalli Sreenivasan
Vladimir Zakharov
A copy of the conference proceedings including the agenda, abstracts, and a list of attendees may be found here. A printed version of this file will be provided at the meeting.
The fioelds of turbulence and nonlinear physics promise significant advances in the 21st century, driven by ever increasing capabilities in experimental capability and in powerful numerical computation. Theory plays the critical role of synthesizing these advances into understanding and applications.
Robert Kraichnan played a pioneering role in developing new ideas and approaches to turbulence, but also to an impressive array of scientific topics including gravitation theory, statistical mechanics, quantum many-body theory and quantum field theory. This conference will explore the foundations of these topics, Bob's contributions to them, and the opportunities engendered by them.
This workshop provides a great opportunity to reflect on Bob's pioneering contributions and his enduring legacy to a diverse range of topics in modern theoretical physics. It also presents the possibility of building new scientific collaborations built on that legacy.
The Center for Nonlinear Studies, where Bob spent significant time during the past several decades, is always searching for new ways to reexamine the kinds of interdisciplinary connections this workshop will explore.
Conference Organizers:
Shiyi Chen
Johns Hopkins University & Peking University
Misha Chertkov
Los Alamos National Lab
Robert Ecke
Los Alamos National Lab
Gregory Eyink
Johns Hopkins University
Katepalli Sreenivasan
ICTP & University of Maryland