December ICAM Meeting


Professor Dan Chemla

University of California at Berkeley

1 Cyclotron Road, MS-66

Berkeley, CA 94720

(510) 643-2735

It is clear that understanding many particle systems is one of the outstanding issues of modern physics. However, the U.S. condensed matter physics community has almost exclusively concentrated its attention on strongly correlated materials, such the high-Tc
cuprates or the antiferromagnetic oxides, and has completely ignored the important investigations of correlation effects performed during the last decade in semiconductors through time-resolved nonlinear optical spectroscopy techniques. These materials play a very special role in that context; they have been around for quite some time, a lot is known about their fundamental properties, and sound theoretical techniques, based on well-established approximations, are at hand for describing their ground state and linear properties. Because of their technological importance, almost perfect samples are now available. Finally, the energy and time scales of their elementary excitations are well matched to that of state-of-the-art optical and transport spectroscopic techniques. Therefore they form a perfect laboratory for extending our field of investigation of correlation effects in regimes previously inaccessible. In particular, time-resolved nonlinear optical spectroscopy of semiconductors has been thoroughly applied to investigate the creation of elementary excitations whose dynamics evolve significantly on short time and short length scales. This has revealed a new regime of correlation where the fluctuations of the ́order parametersî become important and the mean-field pictures break down, thus raising important questions about the validity of well-established approximations in the quasi-static regime. This combination of extreme density dependence and ultrafast kinetics makes the behavior of electronic excitations in semiconductors and their heterostructures a fascinating topic at the frontier of condensed matter physics.