Are Megaquakes Clustered?

E.G. Daub, E. Ben-Naim, R.A. Guyer, and P.A. Johnson

We study statistical properties of the number of large earthquakes over the past century. We analyze the cumulative distribution of the number of earthquakes with magnitude larger than threshold M in time interval T, and quanitfy the statistical significance of these results by simulating a large number of synthetic random catalogs. We find that in general, the earthquake record is random in time. This conclusion holds whether aftershocks are removed or not, except at magnitudes below M = 7:3. At long time intervals (T = 2-5 years), we find that statistically significant clustering is present in the catalog for lower magnitude thresholds (M = 7-7.2). However, this clustering is due to a large number of earthquakes occurring in the early part of the 20th century, when magnitudes are less certain.

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