The sponsorship of conferences is one of the major institutional activities of the Center for Nonlinear Studies. Since the CNLS serves as an interface between mission critical research at LANL and the outside research community, conference sponsorship is an activity of vital importance for the Center and the Laboratory. In particular, sponsorship of conferences accomplishes the following:
To learn more about obtaining conference sponsorship through CNLS, please visit our Conference Sponsorship page.
January 2023
Russell Bent(LANL)
Michael Chertkov (University of Arizona)
Deepjyoti Deka (LANL)
Harsha Nagarajan (LANL)
Adam Mate (LANL)
Carleton Coffrin (LANL)
Kaathik Sundar (LANL)
Swati Gupta (Georgia Tech)
February 2023
Ping Yang(LANL/Seaborg Institute)
Jessica Ryan (LANL/Seaborg Institute)
Franz Feibert (LANL/Seaborg Institute)
Enrique Batista (LANL)
March 7 - 9, 2023
Kary Myers (LANL)
Emily Casleton (LANL)
Mike Grosskopf (LANL)
Ken Dayman (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Zoe Gastelum (Sandia National Laboratory)
Marylesa Howard (Nevada National Security Site)
Nancy Lybeck (Idaho National Laboratory)
Ryan McClarren (University of Notre Dame)
Max Morris (Iowa State University)
Danny Rintoul (Sandia National Laboratory)
March 22 - 24, 2023
Eve Chase(LANL)
Adam Dempsey (LANL)
Greg Salvesen (LANL)
Hui Li (LANL)
April 28 - 29, 2023
Misha Chertkov (University of Arizona)
Laura Miller (University of Arizona)
Chi-Kwan Chan (University of Arizona)
Salva Coropceanu
Jean-Marc Fellous (University of Arizona)
Ryan Gutenkunst (University of Arizona)
Krishna Muralidharan (University of Arizona)
June 2023
Sergei Tretiak(LANL)
Tammie Nelson (LANL)
July 16 - 21, 2023
Qinjun Kang (LANL)
Hari Viswanathan (LANL)
Christoph Junghans (LANL)
Daniel Livescu (LANL)
Hongkyu Yoon (SNL)
Alexander Wagner (North Dakota State Univeristy)
Aleksandra Pachalieva (LANL)
Michael Woodward (LANL)
July 31 - August 4, 2023
Shizeng Lin (LANL)
Mac Janoschek (PSI)
Ni Ni (UCLA)
Titus Mangham-Neupert (UZH)
August 7 - 11, 2023
Eric Tovar (LANL)
Marianne Francois (LANL)
August 7 - 11,2023
Rajan Gupta (LANL)
Tanmoy Bhattacharya (LANL)
Kaori Fuyuto (LANL)
Emanuele Mereghetti (LANL)
Boram Yoon (LANL)
October 23 - 27, 2023
Eric Bittner (U. of Houston)
Carlos Silva (Georgia Tech)
Andrei Piryatinski (LANL)