Sunday, August 22
6:00pm - 8:00pm Pre-Registration &  Reception -- Georgia O'Keefe Museum

All Sessions will be held at the Hotel Santa Fe (except the reception & banquet)
Monday, August 23 Morning Session  Welcome and Feenberg Medal Session - Chair: J. Negele (MIT)
  8:00 - 9:30 am
Welcome: Alan Bishop ( T-Div. Director, LANL)
J. Negele  (MIT):  Feenberg Medal Session Introduction
David Pines  (LANL):  Laudation: Lev Gor'kov
L. Gor'kov  (Florida State): Surface and Superconductivity
11:00 break
V. Zelevinksy  (Michigan State):  Laudation: Spartak Belyaev

S. Belyaev   Finite systems with spontaneous symmetry breaking: a generalized density matrix approach

Afternoon Session   Strongly Correlated Systems  - Chair: P. Littlewood (Cambridge)
 2:00 pm
S.-C. Zhang  (Stanford):  Dissipationless Quantum Spin Current

A. J. Millis  (Columbia):  Surface and Interface Physics of Correlated Electron Compounds


B. S. Shastry  (UCSC): Correlations and Frustration in Alkali Cobaltates


X.-G. Wen  (MIT): String-Net Condensation: from New States of Matter to a Unification of Light and Electrons

Tuesday, August 24 Morning Session    Phase Transitions  - Chair: M. Hastings (LANL)

J. Cardy  (Oxford):  Exact Results for Many-Body Problems Using Few-Body Methods

  9:15 T. Senthil  (MIT): Deconfined Quantum Criticality
10:00 break

S. L. Sondhi  (Princeton):  Ordering and Phase Transitions in Frustrated Magnets and their Duals


A. A. Middleton  (Syracuse): Growing and Flowing Through Rugged Terrain: How Fast Exact Algorithms Illuminate Big Glassy Systems

Afternoon Session     New Frontiers - Chair: J. Gubernatis (LANL)

D. M. Ceperley  (Urbana): Coupling Quantum Monte Carlo with Ionic Simulations


R. F. Bishop   (Manchester):  Microscopic Calculations of Quantum Phase Transitions in Frustrated Magnetic Lattices

  3:20 break
  3:50 K. Hallberg  (Bariloche):  Recent Applications of the DMRG Method

C. Honerkamp  (MPI-Stuttgart): Functional Renormalization Group for the 2-Dimensional Hubbard Model

S. Chandrasekharan  (Duke): Strong-Coupling Lattice QCD in the Chiral Limit

Wednesday, August 25 Morning Session     Nuclear Physics and QCD - Chair: J. Ginocchio (LANL)

J. W. Negele  (MIT): Solving the Quark-Gluon Many-Body Problem Using Lattice QCD


S. Reddy  (LANL): Matter at Extreme Density and its Role in Neutron Stars and Supernovae

 9:50 break

J. Engel  (Chapel Hill): Nuclear-Structure Theory in the Search for New Fundamental Physics

11:00 F. Iachello  (Yale): Quantum Phase Transitions in Mesoscopic Systems

A. Bulgac  (Seattle): Superfluid LDA: Local Density Approximation for Systems with Superfluid Correlations

Afternoon Session    Contributed Short Talks  - Chair: J. Clark (Washington University)

V. Zelevinsky  (MSU): Random Interactions and Ground State Spin of Finite Fermi Systems

 2:15 B. Normand (Fribourg): Spin-Charge Separation and Topological Phase Transitions in Aharnov-Bohm Rings
 2:30 A. Schwenk (OSU) : Nuclear Interactions from the Renormalization Group
 2:45 M. Geller (Georgia) : Superconducting Qubit Storage and Entanglement with Nanomechanical Resonators
 3:00 break
 3:30 C. Presilla (Roma "La Sapienza"):  Ground State of Many-Body Lattice Systems: An Analytical Probabalistic Approach
 3:45 M. Boninsegni (Alberta) : Phase Diagram of 2-dimensional  H2
 4:00 L. Mitas (NC State)  : Topological Fermion Nodes and Local Current Conservation
 4:15 I. Deutsch (UNM)Quantum Information Processing with Ultracold Atoms

Evening Session     Banquet -- Palace of the Governors

Keynote Speaker    P. W. Anderson  (Princeton): The Future Lies Ahead

Thursday, August 26 Morning Session    Cold Atom Physics  - Chair: I.  Deutsch (UNM)

T.-L. Ho  (Ohio State): Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases: Current Issues and Future Prospects


G. Baym  (Urbana): How Do Rapidly Rotating Bose Condensates Carry Angular Momentum?

  9:50 break
 10:20 M. Greiner  (JILA): Resonance Condensation of Fermionic Atom Pairs
11:00 G. Shlyapnikov  (FOM-Amsterdam): Superfluid Regimes in Degenerate Fermi Gases
11:40 S. Rolston (Maryland) : Bosons in Optical Lattices

Afternoon Session     Quantum Information  - Chair: M. Boshier (LANL)
M. A. Nielsen  (Queensland): Entanglement and Many-Body Physics
 2:45 J. Preskill  (CalTech): Topologically Protected Quantum Computation
 3:30 break
 4:00 R. Somma  (LANL): Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transitions
 4:35 A. Kitaev  (CalTech): Anyons in a Spin Model on the Honeycomb Lattice
 5:10 E. Farhi  (MIT): Quantum Computation by Adiabatic Evolution

Friday, August 27 Morning Session      Complex Systems - Chair: D. Sherrington (LANL)
  8:30 L. I. Glazman  (Minnesota): Quantum Criticality in a Quantum Dot Device

J. Chalker  (Oxford): Spin Textures and Random Fields in Dirty Quantum Hall Ferromagnets

  9:50 break
10:20 L. Cugliandolo  (Paris): Quantum (spin) Glasses
11:00 H. Nishimori  (Tokyo): Possibly Exact Solution for the Multicritical Point of Finite-Dimensional Spin Glasses

R. Zecchina  (ICTP-Trieste): From Statistical Physics Methods to Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization and Source Coding

Afternoon Session      Quantum Fluids and Solids - Chair: C. Campbell (Minnesota)
 2:00 M. Chan  (Penn State): A Solid Can Be "Superfluid"
 2:40 E. Krotscheck  (Linz):  Pair Excitations in He3
 3:20 break
 3:50 E. Manousakis  (FSU):  Path-Integral Monte Carlo Studies of Quantum Films
 4:20 G. Chapline  (LLNL): Quantum Phase Transitions and Event Horizons - Condensed Matter Analogies