
 A partial list of relevant papers by the Team of the DR'04 proposal:   Statistical Physics of Infrastructure Networks

Team Expertise:

Z. Toroczkai (T-13): Statististical Physics,Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Chaos control, Fluid Dynamics, Surface Growth / Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, Parallel Computing, Exact Solutions, Agent-based Modeling M. Hastings (T-13/CNLS): Statistical Mechanics, Strongly Disordered Systems, Renormalization and scaling, Field Theory, Diffusion Limited Aggregation, Fractals, Quantum Systems, Random Matrices
E. Ben-Naim (T-13: Statistical Physics, Traffic, Granular Flow, Kinetic theory, Rate Equations, Monte Carlo Simulations, molecular Dynamics, Exact Solutions B.W. Bush (D-4): Agent-based modeling, Infrastructure Analysis, Large Scale Computation, Supercomputer Hardware Architectures, Information Theory, Data Mining, Nuclear Physics
C. Reichhardt (T-13/CNLS): Statistical Physics, Colloids, Superconductivity, Stochastic Ratchets, Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo Simulations D.H. Sharp (T-13): Statistical Physics, Virial Expansions, Field Theory, Uncertainty Classification, Biological Physics, Neural Networks
S. Eubank (CCS-5): Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, Traffic, Large Scale Simulations M.V. Marathe (CCS-5): Computer Science, Algorithms, Graphs, Optimization, Software Architecture, Large Scale Simulations, Approximative Methods
G. Istrate (CCS-5): Computer Science, Probabilistic methods in the analysis of algorithms, Phase transitions in combinatorial problems, Computational Complexity E. MacKerrow (T-13): Agent-based modeling, Software Architecture, Social Computation
M. Anghel (CCS-3): Statistical Physics, Neural Networks and Learning, Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, Chaos A. Lapedes (T-13): Biology, Biological Physics, Epidemics, Protein Interactions
A. S. Perelson (T-10): Statistical Physics, Biology, Epidemics, Biological Networks P.Swart (CNLS): Large data Sets, Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematics
A. Percus (CCS-3): Statistical Physical Physics, Combinatorial Optimization, Local Search, Algorithmic Complexity, Heuristic Methods N. Hengartner (D-1):  Statistical modeling and estimation of high dimensional data, (nonparametric) curve estimation, inverse problems, errors in variables, applied probability, graphical models and classification.

The team above has the necessary expertise, and it is well qualified to attack the complex problem presented in our proposal, and be able to work together as a single unit: Probabilistic methods and Statistical physics techniques are represented by Toroczkai, Hastings, Ben-Naim, Sharp, Eubank, Istrate, Perelson and Percus, Data analysis (including large scale data sets) and  Infrastructure Analysis are represented by Bush, Marathe, Eubank, Hengartner and Swart, Modeling and Simulation, including Parallel Simulations are represented by Reichhardt, Anghel, Eubank, Bush, MacKerrow and Toroczkai, Graph Algorithms and Optimization are represented by Marathe, Percus, Istrate and Toroczkai, Nonlinear Dynamics, Nonlinear Time Series Analysis are represented by Toroczkai, Eubank and Anghel, Neural Networks and Learning are represented by Sharp and Anghel, Biological Networks and Biological Data Sets  are represented by Lapedes and Perelson.


The papers below present a partial list of our experiences dealing with problems involving complex, many-particle systems

Complex Networks: 

B.W. Bush, C.R. Files, and D.R. Thompson, Empirical Characterization of Infrastructure Networks, LANL, LA-UR-01-5784, (2001).

M. Blue, B. Bush, C. Unal,  Robustness and Reliability Metrics for Energy Transmission Networks, preprint (2003).

G. Korniss, M.A. Novotny, H. Guclu, Z. Toroczkai and P.A. Rikvold, Suppressing Roughness of Virtual Times in Parallel Discrete-event Simulations, Science  299 677 (2003).

Z. Toroczkai, G. Korniss, M.A. Novotny, H. Guclu, Virtual Time Horizon Control via Communication Network Design,  Invited review paper for Volume on Computational Complexity and Statistical Physics, Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity Series, Eds. A.Percus, G.Istrate and C. Moore, Oxford University Press, 2004.

M. B. Hastings, Random Vibrational Networks and Renormalization Group, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 148702 (2003).

M. B. Hastings, Mean-Field and Anomalous Behavior on a Small-World Network, 

G. F. Oster, A. S. Perelson, and A. Katchalsky Network thermodynamics. Nature 294  393 (1971)

D. Cook, V. Faber, M.V. Marathe, A. Srinivasan and Y. Sussmann, Computational Aspects of Market-Clearing Mechanisms in Deregulated Power Industry,   Operations Research, submitted

M. Anghel, Z. Toroczkai, K.E. Bassler, G. Korniss, Competition in Social Networks: Emergence of a Scale-Free Leadership  Structure and Collective Efficiency, preprint, to be submitted, LA-UR-02-7580

B. Bush, R. Gordon, J. Holland, J. Fred Roach, D. Thompson, The SOFIA Project for Interdependent Infrastructure Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis,  LA-UR-99-3412

S.O. Krumke, M.V. Marathe, H. Noltemeier, R. Ravi, S.S. Ravi, Approximation algorithms for certain network improvement problems  J.Combinatorial Optimization , 2(#3) 257 1998

R. De Boer,I.G.  Kevrekidis, and A. S. PerelsonA simple idiotypic network model with complex dynamics.  Chem. Eng. Sci. 45, 2375 (1990)

C. Homan and G. Istrate, Small worlds, locality and Flooding on Landscapes, University of Rochester Technical Report TR796, submitted.

C. Barrett, K. Bisset, R. Jacob, G. Konjevod and M.V. Marathe, 
An Experimental Analysis of a Routing Algorithm for Realistic Transportation Networks, in Proc. European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) Rome Sept. 2002.

G. F. Oster, and A.S. Perelson. Systems, circuits and thermodynamics.  Israel J. Chem. 11,  445, (1973).

S. Eubank, H. Guclu, V.S. Anil Kumar, M. Marathe, A. Srinivasan, Z. Toroczkai, and N. Wang,  Monitoring and Mitigating Smallpox Epidemics: strategies drawn from a Census Data Instantiated Virtual City, preprint, to be submitted.

G. F. Oster,  and A. S. Perelson Chemical reactions networks. IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-21 709 (1974).

A.S. PerelsonNetwork thermodynamics: an overview. Biophysical J. 15 667 (1975).

J. San, M. Faloutsos, S. Tauro and A.G. Percus, Sampling Internet Topologies: How Small Can We Go?, LA-UR-02-7318


Graphs, Trees:

Z. Toroczkai, Topological Classification of the Horton-Strahler index on binary trees, Phys. Rev. E, 65, 016130 (2002)

S.O. Krumke, H. Noltemeier, M.V. Marathe, S.S. Ravi, K.U. Drangmeister, Modifying networks to obtain low cost trees Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 1197, 293, 1997

E. Ben-Naim, P.L. Krapivsky, and S.N Majumdar, Extremal properties of random trees, Phys.Rev.E, 64, R035101 (2001)

M. Blue, B. Bush, and J. Puckett, Unified Approach to Fuzzy Graph Problems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125, 355 (2002).

M. Blue, B. Bush, and J. Puckett, Applications of Fuzzy Logic to Graph Theory, preprint, LA-UR-96-4792.

B. Bush,  A Tool for Drawing Undirected Graphs,  LA-UR-96-2166

S. Doddi, M.V. Marathe, S.S. Ravi D. Taylor and P. Widmayer, Approximation algorithms for clustering to minimize the sum of diameters,  invited paper appeared in the special issue of Nordic Journal of Computing, 7, 185, Aug. 2000.

G. Konjevod, S. Krumke and M.V. Marathe, Budget Constrained Minimum Cost Connected Medians Journal of Discrete Algorithms, submitted. LA-UR-01-4697

C. Barrett, R. Jacob and M.V. Marathe, Formal Language Constrained Path Problems, SIAM J. Computing, 30(3), 809, 2001.


Graph Algorithms:

C. Burch, R. Carr, S. Krumke, M. Marathe, C. Phillips, and E. Sundberg, A decomposition-based pseudo - approximation algorithm for network flow inhibition, in  Network Interdiction and Stochastic Integer Programming, D.L. Woodruff (ed), Kluwer Academic Press, , pp. 51 2003

R. Ravi, M.V. Marathe, S. S. Ravi, D. J. Rosenkrantz, and H.B. Hunt III, Approximation Algorithms for Degree-Constrained Minimum-Cost Network-Design Problems, Algorithmica, 31(1), 58, 2001.

M.V. Marathe
, L.D. Risenger and A. Panconesi, Experimental Analysis of a Simple Distributed Edge Coloring Algorithm, submitted to Journal of Experimental Algorithmics. Preliminary version appeared in Proc. 12th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, (SPAA),} 166, 2000.

S.O. Krumke, M.V. Marathe and S.S. Ravi,  Models and Approximation Algorithms for Channel Assignment in Radio Networks,
invited paper in Wireless Journal, 7(6),  575, 2001.

S. Krumke, M. Marathe, D. Poensgen, S. Ravi and H. Wirth, Budgeted Maximum Graph Coverage, 
Proc. 28th International Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Cesky, Czech Republic, August 2002, LA-UR-02-4970

K.U. Drangmeister , Krumke SO, M.V. Marathe , H. Noltemeier, S.S. Ravi, Modifying edges of a network to obtain short subgraphs, Theor.Comp.Sci , 203(#1) 91, 1998


Random Matrices:

M. B. Hastings, Fermionic Mapping For Eigenvalue Correlation Functions Of (Weakly) Non-Hermitian Symplectic Ensemble, Nuc. Phys. B 572 [FS] 535 (2000). 

M. B. Hastings, Eigenvalue Distribution In The Self-Dual Non-Hermitian Ensemble, J. Stat. Phys. 103, 903 (2001)

Networks in Biological Systems:

G.F. Oster, A.S. Perelson,  and A. Katchalsky. Network thermodynamics: Dynamic modeling of biophysical systems. Quart. Rev. Biophys  6, 1 (1973).

J.D. Farmer, S.A. Kauffman, N.H. Packard., and A.S. Perelson, (1987). Adaptive dynamic networks as models for the immune system and autocatalytic sets, in Perspectives in Biological Dynamics and Theoretical Medicine, eds. S. H. Koslow, A. J. Mandell, and M. F. Shlesinger,  Annals New York Acad. Sci.504, 118 (1987).

L.A. Segel, and A.S. Perelson, Computations in shape space: A new approach to immune network theory. In  Theoretical Immunology, Part Two, SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, A. S. Perelson, ed. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, pp. 321 (1988).

A.S. Perelson  Immune networks: A topological view. In  Cell to Cell Signalling: From Experiments to Theoretical Models}, A. Goldbeter, ed., Academic Press, New York, pp. 261 (1989).

A.S. Perelson,  .Immune network theory.  Immunol. Rev. 110, 5 (1989)

G. Weisbuch, R. De Boer,  A. S. Perelson,  Localized memories in idiotypic networks.   J. Theoret. Biol. 146, 483 (1990)

R.J.  De Boer, and A. S. Perelson . Size and connectivity as emergent properties of a developing immune network.  J. Theoret. Biol.  149, 381 (1991)

R.J. De Boer, P. Hogeweg,  and A. S. Perelson, Growth and recruitment in the immune network. in Theoretical and Experimental Insights into Immunology}, A. S. Perelson and G. Weisbuch, eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 223 (1992)

R. J. De Boer,  A. S. Perelson,  and I.G. Kevrekidis. Immune network behavior I: From stationary states to limit cycle oscillations. Bull. Math. Biol. 55, 745 (1993)

R. J. De Boer, A. S. Perelson, and I.G. Kevrekidis,  Immune network behavior II: From oscillations to chaos and stationary states. Bull. Math. Biol. 55, 781 (1993).

R.W. Anderson, A. Neumann, and A. S. Perelson,  A Cayley tree immune network model with antibody dynamics.  Bull. Math. Biol.55, 1091 (1993).

R. Rose, and A. S. Perelson,  Immune networks and immune responses. In  Frontiers in Mathematical Biology, S. Levin, ed.,  Lect. Notes Biomath. 100, 159  (1994).

P.F. Stadler, P. Schuster,  and A. S. Perelson, (1994). Immune networks modeled by replicator equations. J. Math. Biol. 33, 111 (1994)


Disordered Systems:

M. B. Hastings, Ground State and Spin Glass Phase of the Large N Infinite Range Spin Glass Via Supersymmetry, J. Stat. Phys. 99, 171 (2000).

A.P. Mehta, C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, and F. Nori, Topological invariants in microscopic transport on rough landscapes: morphology, hierarchical structure, and Horton analysis of riverlike networks of vortices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3641 (1999).

Z. Toroczkai and G. Korniss, Comment on "Extremal Point Densities of Interface Fluctuations in a Quenched Random Medium", Phys.Rev.E, 64, 048101 (2001);

Z. Toroczkai, G. Korniss, S. Das Sarma, and R. K. P. Zia, Extremal-Point densities of interface fluctuations, Phys. Rev. E 62, 276 (2000)

C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, I. Martin, and A.R. Bishop, Depinning and dynamics of systems with competing interactions in quenched disorder, Europhys. Lett in press

M.B. Hastings, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and C. Reichhardt Depinning by Fracture in a Glassy Background, Phys. Rev. Lett. in press

C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, N. Gronbech-Jensen, and F. Nori, Moving Wigner glasses and smectics: Dynamics of disordered Wigner crystals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4354 (2001).

C. Reichhardt and C.J. Olson, Transverse depinning in strongly driven vortex lattices with disorder, Phys. Rev. B 61, R3811 (2000).

M. B. Hastings, Bose Glass in Large N Commensurate Dirty Boson Model, Phys. Rev. B 64, 024517 (2001).

M. B. Hastings and S. L. Sondhi,  Breakdown of Conformal Invariance at Strongly Random Critical PointsPhys. Rev. B  64, 94204 (2001).


Scaling, Renormalisation:

M. B. Hastings, Renormalization Theory of Stochastic Growth, Phys. Rev. E 55, 135 (1997).

and P.L. Krapivsky, Multiscaling in Inelastic Collisions, Phys. Rev. E 61, R5 (2000)

and S.Redner, Inhomogeneous two-species annihilation in the steady state, J.Phys. A 25, L575 (1992)

P.L. Krapivsky, I. Grosse, and E. Ben-Naim, Scale Invariance and Lack of Self-Averaging in Fragmentation, Phys. Rev. E, 61, R993 (2000)

E.Ben-Naim, S.Redner, and P.L.Krapivsky, Two scales in asynchronous ballistic annihilation, J. Phys. A 29, L561 (1996)

M. B. Hastings, Renormalization Group for Large N Strongly Commensurate Dirty Boson Model,  Phys. Rev. B 60, 9755 (1999).

M. B. Hastings, A. D. Stone, and H. U. Baranger, Inequivalence of Weak Localization and Coherent Backscattering,
Phys. Rev. B 50, 8230 (1994).

S. Eubank and C. Chiu, Migdal-Kadanoff Determination of the Gell-Mann-Low Function for Mixed Action SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theories, Nuc. Phys. B285  363 (1987)

M. B. Hastings and L. S. Levitov, Laplacian growth as one-dimensional turbulence, Physica D 116, 244 (1998).

M. B. Hastings and T. C. Halsey, High-Dimensional Diffusive Growth, Europhysics Lett. 55, 679 (2001).

M. B. Hastings, Fractal to Nonfractal Phase Transition in the Dielectric Breakdown Model, Phys. Rev. Lett.  87, 175502, (2001)

M. B. Hastings, Growth Exponents with 3.99 Walkers, Phys. Rev. E 64, 46104 (2001)

M. B. Hastings, Scale-Invariant Branch Distribution from a Soluble Stochastic ModelJ. Stat. Phys. 107, 1031 (2002).


Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos:

E. Ben-Naim, P.L. Krapivsky, and S. Redner, Bifurcations and Patterns in Compromise Processes Physica D, submitted (2002).  cond-mat/0212313

I. J. Benczik, Z. Toroczkai, and T. Tél, Selective Sensitivity of Open Chaotic Flows on Inertial Tracer Advection: Catching Particles with a Stick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 164501 (2002); COVER-PAGE article.

Z. ToroczkaiG. Károlyi, Á. Péntek, T. Tél,  and I. Sheuring, Autocatalytic Reactions in Systems with Hyperbolic mixing:  Exact Results for the Active Baker map, J. Phys. A: Math.Gen., 34, 5215 (2001)

T. Nishikawa, Z. Toroczkai, Z. Toroczkai, and C. Grebogi, Advective Coalescence in Chaotic Flows, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 038301 (2001)

Z. Toroczkai, G. Károlyi, T. Tél, Á. Péntek, and C. Grebogi,  Advection of active particles in open chaotic flows, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 500 (1998)

Á. Péntek,
Z. Toroczkai, D.H. Mayer, and T. Tél, A generalized Kac model as a dynamical system, Z. Naturforsch. 49a, 1212 (1994); ibid, Kac Model from a dynamical system's point of view, Phys. Rev. E 49, 2026 (1994)

Z. Toroczkai and Á. Péntek, and Á. Péntek, Detecting phase transitions in intermittent systems by using the thermodynamical formalism, Z. Naturforsch. 49a, 1235 (1994)

Z. Toroczkai and Á. Péntek, and Á. Péntek, Classification criterion for dynamical systems in intermittent chaos, Phys. Rev. E 48, 136 (1993)

S. Eubank and J. D. Farmer, Introduction to Chaos and Randomness, chapter 4 in 1989 Lectures in Complex Systems, Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Lectures: vol. 12, ed. E. Jen, Addison Wesley (1990) p. 75 - 190. Also appeared in Nonlinear Science ed. L. Lam, Springer-Verlag (1996).


Kinetic Theory, Rate Equations:

E. Ben-Naim and P.L.Krapivsky, Kinetic Theory of Traffic Flows, Proceeding of "Traffic and Granular Flow '01", in press. cond-mat/0203524 LA-UR-01-6925, invited review paper.

E. Ben-Naim and P.L. Krapivsky, Scaling, Multiscaling, and Nontrivial Exponents in Inelastic Collision Processes, Phys. Rev. E, 66, 011309 (2002)

P. L. Krapivsky and E. Ben-Naim, Nontrivial Velocity Distributions in Inelastic Gases, J. Phys. A 35, L147 (2002)

P.L. Krapivsky, E. Ben-Naim, and I.Grosse, Stable Distributions in Stochastic Fragmentation, Phys. Rev. E, submitted, LA-UR-01-5226

E. Ben-Naim and P.L. Krapivsky, Fragmentation with a Steady Source, Phys. Lett. A 275, 48 (2000)

E. Ben-Naim and P.L. Krapivsky, Stochastic Aggregation: Scaling Properties, J. Phys. A 33 , 5477 (2000)

E.Ben-Naim and P.L.Krapivsky, Stationary velocity distributions in traffic flows, Phys. Rev. E 56, 6680 (1997)

P.L. Krapivsky and E. Ben-Naim, Stochastic Aggregation: Rate Equations Approach, J. Phys. A 33, 5465 (2000)


Game Theory, Agent-based Modeling:

G. Istrate, M.V. Marathe and S.S. Ravi, Adversarial Models in Evolutionary Game Dynamics, 12th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pp. 719, January 2001.

E. Ben-Naim and P.L. Krapivsky, Parity and Ruin in a Stochastic Game, Eur. Phys. Jour. B 25, 239 (2002)

M. Dyer, C. Greenhill, L.A. Goldberg, G. Istrate, M. Jerrum, On the convergence time of Prisoners' Dilemma, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 11  (2002).

V.S. Anil and M.V. Marathe Improved Results for Stackelberg Scheduling Strategies, in 29th International Colloquium on Automata Languages and Programming, Malaga, Spain, pp. 776 , 2002.

S. Eubank, What Makes A Simulation Useful?, Proceedings of the IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Conference, Tokyo, 1999.

R. J. Beckman, B. W. Bush, K. M. Henson, P. E. Stretz,  Portland Study Synthetic Population, LA-UR-01-4610

Z. Toroczkai, M. Anghel, G. Korniss, and K.E. Bassler, Effects of Inter-agent Communications on the Collective, Collectives and the Design of Complex SystemsEds. K. Tumer and D.H. Wolpert, Springer, 2003, in press.

H.B. Hunt III, R.E. Stearns and M. Marathe, Complexity and Approximability of Quantified and Stochastic Satisfiability Problems,  Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 9, pp. 130, 2001.

E. Mackerrow, Agent-Based Simulation of the Socio-Economic Factors Underlying Religious Terrorism, Los Alamos Science, 2003. in press

E. Mackerrow, J. Holland. P. Dennis, Z. Toroczkai, A. Attanock, M. Lefkoff. A dynamic social network approach to distributed threat modeling, internal DTRA publication for the Terrorist Anticipation Program., preprint.

C. Barrett, S. Eubank, M. Marathe, H. Mortveit and C. Reidys, Science and Engineering of Large Scale Socio-Technical Simulations, invited paper in Proc. 1st International Conference on Grand Challenges in Simulations held as a part of Western Simulation Conference, San Antonio Texas, 2002.


Chaos Control Theory:

Z. Toroczkai, Geometric method for stabilizing unstable periodic orbits, Phys. Lett. A190, 71 (1994)

B. Sass, and Z. Toroczkai, Z. Toroczkai, Continuous Extension of the Geometric Control Method. J. Phys. A: Math.Gen. 29, 3545 (1996)

Á. Péntek, J.B. Kadtke, and Z. Toroczkai, Z. Toroczkai, Stabilizing chaotic vortex trajectories: an example of high dimensional control, Phys. Lett. A224, 85 (1996)


Uncertainty Quantification:

B. DeVolder, J. Glimm, J. Grove, Y. Kang, Y. Lee, K. Pad, D. H. Sharp, K. Ye, Uncertainty Quantification for Multiscale Simulations, J. Fluids Eng., 124, 29 (2002).


Learning, Machine Learning, Neural Networks:

J.D. Cowan and D.H. Sharp, Neural Nets, Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 21, 3 365 (1988) 

M. Anghel, Y. Ben-zion, I. G. Kevrekidis, R. Rico-Martinez,  Dynamical system analysis and forecasting of deformation produced by an earthquake fault, LA-UR-02-6309 submitted to Pure and Applied Geophysics

E. Black, S. Eubank, H. Kashioka, D. Magerman, J. Saia, and A. Ushioda, The Non-Dictionary: Towards More Detailed And Robust Part-Of-Speech Tagging,   in Proceedings of the Workshop on Very Large Corpora, 1996.

S. Eubank and H. Kashioka, Merging statistical and rule-based methods using decision trees, in Proceedings of MIDDIM-96, ed. Ch. Boitet, 182  (1996).

E. Black, S. Eubank, et al., Reinventing Part-Of-Speech Tagging, Journal of Natural Language Processing 5,  4 (1998)


Cellular Automata, Discrete Dynamical Systems:

M.B. Hastings, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and C. Reichhardt Ratchet cellular automata, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.

M. Blue, B. Bush, Information content in the Nagel-Schreckenberg cellular automata traffic model, LA-UR-01-4803, subm. to Phys. Rev. E

C.L. Barrett, H.B. Hunt III, M.V. Marathe, S.S. Ravi, D.J. Rosenkrantz and R.E. Stearns, Reachability Problems for Sequential Dynamical Systems with Threshold Functions,  invited paper, accepted for publication in Theoretical Computer Science, March 2002.

Hunt III, D.J. Rosenkrantz, C. Barrett, M.V. Marathe and S.S. Ravi, Complexity of Analysis and Verification Problems for Communicating Automata and Discrete Dynamical Systems, H.B.   LA-UR-01-1687

C.L. Barrett, H.B. Hunt III, M.V. Marathe, S.S. Ravi, D.J. Rosenkrantz and R.E. Stearns, Predecessor and Permutation Existence Problems for Sequential Dynamical Systems2nd IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, Montreal, Canada, August 2002. LA-UR-02-180

C.L. Barrett, H.B. Hunt III, M.V. Marathe, S.S. Ravi,  D.J. Rosenkrantz and R.E. Stearns, Analysis Problems for Sequential Dynamical Systems and Communicating State Machines, Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci., 2136, 159 2001

C.L. Barrett, H.B. Hunt III, M.V. Marathe, S.S. Ravi, D.J. Rosenkrantz, R.E.
Stearns and P. Tosic, Garden of Eden and Fixed Point Configurations in Sequential Dynamical Systems, International Conference on Discrete Models in Combinatorics, Computation and Geometry (DM-CCG),} June 2001.


Stochastic Ratchets:

C. Reichhardt and C.J. Olson Reichhardt "Absolute transverse mobility, negative mobility, and ratchet effect on periodic 2D substrates," submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.

J.F. Wambaugh, C. Reichhardt, and C.J. Olson, Ratchet-induced segregation of non-spherical grains, Phys. Rev. E 65, 031308 (2002).

C.J. Olson, C. Reichhardt, B. Janko, and F. Nori, Collective interaction-driven ratchet for transporting flux quanta, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 177002 (2001).



E. Ben-Naim and P.L.Krapivsky, Maxwell model traffic flows, Phys. Rev. E 59, 88 (1999).

E. Ben-Naim and P.L.Krapivsky, Steady state properties of traffic flows, J. Phys. A, 31, 8073 (1998)

E. Ben-Naim, P.L.Krapivsky and S.Redner, Kinetics of clustering in traffic flows, Phys. Rev. E 50, 822 (1994)

C. L. Barrett et al. (S. Eubank) , Transportation Analysis Simulation System, Los Alamos Unclassified reports LAUR-99-1658, 99-2574 - 99-2579 (1999).

S. Eubank,  Transportation Networks: Dynamics and Simulation, Proceedings of the 6th Experimental Chaos  Conference,  Pottsdam, 2001.


Population Dynamics:

I. Scheuring, T. Czárán, P. Szabó, G. Károlyi, and Z. Toroczkai, Z. Toroczkai, Spatial models of prebiotic evolution: soup before pizza? Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, in press, (2003), Kluwer

L.Frachebourg, P.L.Krapivsky, and
E.Ben-Naim, Species segregation in a model of interacting populations, CPIP96 "Pattern formation in fluids & materials". Physica A 239, 437 (1997).

L.Frachebourg, P.L.Krapivsky, and
E.Ben-Naim, Spatial organization in cyclic Lotka-Volterra systems, Phys. Rev. E 54, 6186 (1996)

I. Sheuring, G. Károlyi,
Z. Toroczkai, T. Tél, and Á. Péntek Competing populations in flows with chaotic mixing, Theor. Pop. Biol. 62(#4),  (2003) in press;

G. Károlyi, Á. Péntek, I. Sheuring, T. Tél, and
Z. Toroczkai, Z. Toroczkai Chaotic flow: the physics of species coexistence, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 97, 13661 (2000)


Extremal Statistics:

T. J. Newman and Z. Toroczkai, Diffusive persistence and the "sign-time" distribution, Phys. Rev. E 58, R2685 (1998)

J.B.Knight, E.R.Nowak, H.M.Jaeger, and S.R. Nagel, Slow relaxation in granular compaction, Physica D, 123, 380 (1998).

E.R.Nowak, J.B.Knight, E.Ben-Naim, H.M.Jaeger, and S.R. Nagel, Density fluctuations in vibrated granular materials, Phys. Rev. E 57, 1971 (1998)


Expansion Techniques, Enumeration Techniques, Asymptotic Analysis:

E. Ben-Naim and P.L. Krapivsky, Growth and Structure of Stochastic Sequences, J. Phys. A 35, L557 (2002)

R. Menikoff and D.H. Sharp, A Derivation of the Virial Expansion with Application to Euclidean Quantum Field Theory, J. Math. Phys. 19, 135 (1978)

M. B. Hastings, Z. A. Daya, E. Ben-Naim, and R. E. Ecke, Entropic Tightening of Vibrated Chains, Phys. Rev. E, 66, 025102 (2002).

E.Ben-Naim and J.Zhuo, Time-series expansion for reaction processes, Phys. Rev. E. 48, 2603 (1993).

Discrete Optimization:

S. Boettcher and A.G. Percus, Extremal optimization: an evolutionary local-search algorithm, in: Computational Modeling and Problem Solving in the Networked World, eds. H.K. Bhargava and N. Ye, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (2003)

D. Aldous and A.G. Percus, Scaling and Universality in Continuous-Length Combinatorial Optimization, Phys. Rev. Lett., submitted, LA-UR-02-7322

S. Boettcher and A.G. Percus, Optimization with extremal dynamics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5211 (2001)

S. Boettcher and A.G. Percus, Extremal optimization for graph partitioning, Phys. Rev. E 64, 026114 (2001)

S. Boettcher and A.G. Percus, Nature's way of optimizing, Artificial Intelligence 119, 275 (2000)

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G. Korniss, M.A. Novotny, P.A. Rikvold, H. Guclu, and
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Computational Complexity Theory:

H.B. Hunt III, M.V. Marathe and R.E. Stearns The Complexity of Algebra and Optimization on Finite Algebraic Structures invited for a special issue of Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2001. 

G. Istrate The phase transition in random Horn satisfiability and its algorithmic implications, Random Structures and Algorithms, 20 (4), 483 (2002).

D. Achlioptas, A. Chtcherba, G. Istrate and C. Moore, The phase transition in 1-in-k SAT and NAE 3 SAT, Proceedings of SODA'2001.

G. Istrate Computational Complexity and Phase Transitions, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Complexity, 2000.

G. Istrate On the satisfiability of random k-Horn formulae, AMS-DIMACS Volume, Peter Winkler and J. Nesetril editors (in press).

G. Istrate, Counting, structure identification and maximum consistency in binary random constraint satisfaction problems, The Third International Symposium on Constraint Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no.1330, Springer Verlag.

7. S. Boettcher, M. Grigni, G. Istrate, and A.G. Percus, Phase transitions and algorithmic complexity, LA-UR-00-3653 (2000).

 H.B. Hunt III, M.V. Marathe and R.E. Stearns, The Complexities of Unquantified, Quantified and Stochastic Constrained Satisfaction Problems, Discrete Applied Mathematics, invited paper, submitted.