Scale Invariance and Lack of Self-Averaging in Fragmentation,
P.L. Krapivsky, I. Grosse, and E. Ben-Naim
We derive exact statistical properties of a class of recursive
fragmentation processes. We show that introducing a fragmentation
probability p leads to a purely algebraic size distribution in
one dimension, P(x)~ x^{-2p}. In d dimensions, the volume
distribution diverges algebraically in the small fragment limit,
P(V)\sim V^{-\gamma} with \gamma=2p^{1/d}. Hence, the entire
range of exponents allowed by mass conservation is realized. We
demonstrate that this fragmentation process is non-self-averaging.
Specifically, the moments Y_\alpha=\sum_i x_i^{\alpha} exhibit
significant fluctuations even in the thermodynamic limit.